Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What do you do with the cork?

ATTENTION WINE DRINKERS.  I know wine comes from
fermented grapes and tastes delicious. There are so many 
varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot, Riesling, and on and on. I like 
taste testing them all! It is so much fun going to vineyards 
and sampling the goods. Wine comes in different packages as 
well: Boxed, bottle,  and now wine in a can. 
A can? Yes! The Skimm recently wrote about a new summer 
wine in a can. Thanks, Skimm (click to learn more about the 

I haven't tried the can yet, and I don't usually drink out of the
box. So, what can I do with all those corks?  Well, I decided 
tsave the corks and make some cool projects. Today? 
Not today, maybe someday... after another glass of wine.

So, start saving that cork from the wine bottles.

You might need a glue gun as well.

You have so many projects to do!

I found these projects on Pinterest.

*All cork pictures from Pinterest*

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